Mt Shasta

Saranam Mark Greenberg
Spiritual Healer and Teacher

saranamEnergy Clearing
Chakra Healing

I clear cords, obstructions, intrusions and entities.

I teach my clients to reclaim their power and clear their energy fields. I help people of all faiths.

My techniques are very effective, and my clients experience increased energy flow and greater awareness in just one session.

Free Energy Field Assessment

Wherever you are, I can look into your energy field remotely, and tell you where I see obstructions and cords in the chakras. You can use this information to focus on the exact areas that need clearing.

Or you may email me directly at

I will reply within one day to set up a time for your free assessment. (Sometimes my reply gets filtered to the Junk or Spam folder, so check there.)

Privacy Statement: I do not share your name, email or phone number with anyone.

Free Energy Field Assessment

Energy Clearing Sessions

As I am assisting, I am also teaching in a tangible, somatic way, sharing techniques that can be used every day to maintain a clear energy field. I can see obstructions in a person's chakras, and I help to clear those obstructions and open the chakras for a free flow of energy.

These obstructions are often reflected as difficulties in a person's outer life. Once these obstructions are identified, they can be removed to increase self-worth and self-love and to enhance will, drive and self-empowerment. I also help clear repressed emotional patterns to reduce stress and establish effective boundaries.

I offer remote sessions by phone or Zoom video-chat or in-person sessions in Mount Shasta, California. Remote sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions, and I do most of my work remotely. My usual rate is $196 per session.

If you are unable to afford my usual rate, please contact me, and I will work something out with you. I am here to help.

For people who want to go deeper into their emotional healing and learn to access higher states of consciousness, I offer 3 progressive sessions for $484, a savings of $104.

To request a full session, please contact me:


Money-Back Guarantee:

If you do not feel benefited by my energy clearing session, I will refund your payment.

Note: These spiritual offerings are not a substitute for qualified medical or psychological advice.


Chakra Healing and Clearing

healing session The chakras are the primary energy centers of the etheric body. They often become blocked with emotions like fear, shame, guilt, anger, resentment, obligation, hatred and self-hatred. In addition, energetic cords with other people or entities can obstruct the natural flow of loving energy through the chakra system.

I offer specific guidance and techniques, teaching you as I help you to clear yourself. Because I can see the energy structures and obstructions in your chakras and your field, I can give you immediate and direct feedback about your clearing ability, as I support and assist you in the clearing process. My goal is to empower you with techniques you can continue to use each day to keep yourself clear.

chakra In a typical healing session, I guide you with specific visualizations that direct focused energy to dislodge blockages, cords and attachments, and to open, activate and energize areas that are constricted. After an area is cleared, I work with you to fill each chakra and your entire energy field with Divine Light. I guide you to do as much of the work as possible as I assist you, so you are empowered to continue clearing your own field in your every-day life. Throughout the session I hold a strong field of Divine Love to facilitate all the guided work I do with you, and as it is needed, I offer my direct assistance in clearing difficult cords and attachments.

This technique is much more effective than simply clearing an obstruction for you, because it gives you the tools you need to keep yourself clear and to express your natural inner radiance throughout your every-day life. And I am present throughout the session, maintaining a resonant field of Divine Love, guiding you specifically in your healing and offering direct assistance as it is needed.

In the first session, there is usually a lot of obstruction and interference to clear, so that is where we focus, and by the end of the session, all my clients feel the difference: much more open and more connected, with more energy flowing through their bodies. In the second session, after the major issues have been cleared in the first session, we are free to focus on deeper emotional issues related to childhood conditioning and the energetic shields and resistant structures that develop in childhood. Clearing these deeper isssues allows the authentic self to be revealed, and also allows us to work on higher spiritual access and connection.

The relief and expansion after the first session is very significant, but the enhanced spiritual connection and soul awareness after the second session is very profound, bringing my clients to an elevated state of awareness that most of them have never experienced before. In sessions after the first and second, we continue to clear deeper, more hidden issues and expand to even higher states of spiritual awareness and connection. I recommend at least two sessions for optimal results and growth, but the major obstructing issues are usually cleared in the first session.

Contact me for a free chakra assessment or to schedule a session.


Classes & Individual Instruction

Transforming Your Energy Field

A 6-Week Course
This is new material based on my own experience
and the experiences of thousands of my clients.

  • Class 1: The astral plane and the nature of our world.
  • Class 2: Somatically feeling energy and moving it in your field.
  • Class 3: Energy hygiene - effectively clearing your energy field.
  • Class 4: Empowering yourself by opening specific energy channels.
  • Class 5: Working with the beings of the astral plane.
  • Class 6: Using sexual energy to activate your higher chakras.

If you are unsure, please contact me, and I will answer your questions and give you a sample. I present my techniques very somatically, so that you can really feel the energy opening your chakras and transforming your energy field.

My guidance was to make this class affordable for everyone.
So you can have all 6 classes for only $69.
That's $11.50 per class.

 Click Here to Enroll 

"Your class changed my life." - Sean

Advanced Individual Instruction

saranam I have many students interested in accessing higher states of consciousness and learning to use their intuitive gifts more effectively. I give personal instruction on advanced meditation and clearing techniques to enable my students to access and experience more of their higher-self aspects and to clear their energy fields more easily and effectively. I also work with advanced students one-on-one to help them access more of their Divine potential in human form and to improve their abilities as healing practitioners. If you are a gifted person, and you want to develop your gifts, please contact me, and we will arrange a time to talk about your unique abilities and what I can do to help you expand them.

Your ability as a healer to effect physical, emotional and energetic change is directly related to your ability to access higher states of consciousness. Healing abilities, such as the ability to see into another person's field, are spiritual powers (siddhis), and siddhis become greater as you progress on your spiritual path. Healing ability is actually a side-effect of your spiritual practice, because as you gain access to higher and higher states of consciousness and become a more pure and open channel of powerful Divine Energy, your ability as a healer becomes greater and greater. The challenges you encounter as a healer force you to seek access to higher states of consciousness to overcome the challenges. So the path of a healer is really a path of transcendence.

Contact me if you are interested in advanced instruction.

Castle Crags

About Saranam Mark Greenberg

saranam I have been practicing healing work for over 30 years. I work with my clients, guiding them to open to more Divine Presence and to focus that powerful, transformative Divine Presence to clear out entities, unhealthy cords and emotional obstructions, so they can open to their own inner divinity. When I first began practicing healing work, I used to have my clients lay down on a table, passively, and I would do the healing and clearing work for them. Most healers work that way. But I soon found that many of my clients would return to me after some time with the same or similar issues. That was when I realized that I had to teach my clients as I assisted them, so they could continue practicing on their own with self-empowering tools to help keep themselves clear.

I have always had a strong desire to be of service and to help people. I began my healing practice working with crystals and running energy though my hands to effect change. My first teachers were the trees. I spent many hours in communion with them feeling their deep connection with the earth and the sun and their pure healing energy. I would absorb that energy and bring it to share in my healing work with my friends and clients. Then I would go back to nature for more communion. I have learned many healing modalities over the years, including Reiki and various forms of shamanic healing, and throughout my life, I have always learned a lot from nature.

Saranam Mark Greenberg at Castle Crags When I came to Mount Shasta in 2012, I had been bothered by parasitic astral entities for many years, and I had been doing my best to fight them off. I prayed sincerely for help at a sacred spring, and I received higher guidance to stop fighting them at their level, and instead to see through the entity's false form to its pure soul, its true source. Connecting to the soul with Divine Light, the soul expanded, and the astral form diminished. That was a turning point in my career, and afterwards I was able to help people much more effectively by going above the level of the astral entities and dissolving their structures with Divine Light. My spiritual evolution has continued during my time in Mount Shasta, and I have received higher and more detailed guidance over the years, so that now I am able to call upon very powerful clearing and healing energies from the Divine Source.

Saranam Mark Greenberg's Ordination I am a simple person who enjoys nature. I spent many years of my life living close to the earth with very few possessions, and I still like to keep my life as simple as I can. I enjoy long walks in the woods. and also strenuous hikes high up on Mount Shasta and other mountains in this area. I enjoy drinking good tea in the morning with traditional small Chinese teapots. I enjoy dancing, and playing the didgeridoo. I meditate every morning and do the same daily clearing practice that I recommend for my clients. Sometimes I drift into very deep and long meditations. I am a vegetarian, and I eat fairly simple food. I have a strong desire to be of service, and my work is an expression of that desire. I am an ordained minister of the House of the Golden Light. Saranam is my spiritual name; it means "refuge."

In my understanding, healing is a path to awakening or self-realization. The Divine Presence has never left you; you do not have to create your soul. It already exists deep within your heart, waiting for your awareness to return. As your center of attention returns to your soul, many false beliefs about who you are fall away, and your true radiance shines through more and more. Everyone has this potential.

Here is an interview by Andrea Atherton, who engages in a deeply enlightening dialogue on the profound dynamics of energy within relationships. In this conversation, Andrea and Saranam delve into the intricate balance of chakras, the grounding connection to the Earth, and the transformative power of the sun for energy clearing, ending with guided instruction on how to do this yourself:

How I Became a Spiritual Healer


"This man is wonderful! He is exactly who he says he is! He has taken the binds of my bad entities and has helped me heal my wounds per say. He is NOT a scammer, HE IS REAL! And from the first time we met over the free chakra reading he knew exactly what chakras needed healing. Then when we met on Zoom, he was so kind and generous. He helped me release all this negativity and bondage I had, holding me back from being happy. I am still working on his practice and I’m getting more aligned with my higher self, he was put in my life for a reason. This man is wonderful and truly has a special gift! Please take the time to contact him if you’re ready to get rid of set-backs! I would recommend him a thousand times over! Thank you so much Saranam!!!" - Amanda

"Saranam's healing session was one of the most profound experiences of my life. He cleared my field, taught me how to expand my connection to energy, and set me on a blissful path. I could feel myself opening up and I have more energy...and in particular the energy of creation. I'm so grateful!!" - Nikki

"We did an initial clearing session for me 10 days ago. It was fantastic, and from the very next day my chronic neck and shoulder pain has decreased 80% or more - very exciting." - Steve

"My journey with Saranam is an alignment from the Universe. Frustrated one day, knowing I need to find someone to help me, I closed my eyes and made a small prayer, 'please let me find a teacher who works with energy who can be my teacher.' I went online and did a search of energy healers in the US. Saranam's website popped in the first page. I did some reading, looked at his videos, and that was it! I knew I had to connect, and the journey has begun. I have had two session with him so far, and I can feel such a drastic change in my energy field - I feel ALIVE. We are working on parental cords, entity attachments, my wounded heart and lots more! Full of love and light, his gentle yet powerful way of healing made me connect with Mother Earth right away. When he took me through the process, I felt as though I was cocooned in Mother's unconditional love, cradled like a baby with tears rolling down my face - a feeling of home. I am so grateful to the Universe and Saranam and look forward to this journey of healing and being of service." - Malika

"I want to recommend this talented healer for anyone that needs help removing entities or attachments. He does many other things I don't do and he is fantastic!!! Anyone that has endured severe trauma from childhood or any time in your life needs this desperately. Low dimensional and vibrational parasitic entities are often involved in these types of experiences. I was privileged to be able to meet him this weekend up in Mt. Shasta and had a session that brought deep release around issues I normally can't ever access; my feelings around it were amazing. Remember healing is about releasing. His rates are low and he does long distance sessions; book a session!!!! Thank you so much Saranam for the session and for what you taught me. In Expansion, Gratitude, and Love" - Alexis

"We did a cord removal last Tuesday and it was great! I have been feeling amazing ever since. I have stuck to the daily cleansing. I still feel some tension in my shoulders but 90% less than I felt before thank you thank you so much!" - E

"Highly recommend your healings for anyone who is looking for a shift, breakthrough in their situation. Very kind, gentle benevolent soul who does healing Soo compassionately and with so much in depth analysis. I experienced a few sessions and witnessed a tremendous improvement in the energy level and body resuming to balance. Your comprehensive knowledge and details to perfection makes you par excellence and stand out." - Sheetal

"Thank you Saranam. With all the divine grace I really appreciate your help. I don't fully know who I am because I've just had snippets of it revealed to me. That silver energy is her coming in and I feel so much safer to be on this planet. It was your healing ability combined with your natural love of all things that helped me feel safe. You are a gift to this planet and all who meet you. Thank you for being my friend and for helping me understand" - Jayshree

"You have been such a huge instrument in my healing. You have shared wisdom that in all the searching I have done I was unable to find until you." - Kelly

"So much love fills and expands my heart with meeting you. Thank you so much for helping me along my way to becoming. I am forever grateful. Oceans of Love and Light" - Justine

"I'd like to thank you again for the session. I really like your style/ technique. Thinking about it later I realized you gave me a great gift. That is empowerment. You showed me respect as an individual and were a great teacher. I will daily do the technique you taught. Stay healthy and thanks again!!" - Sue

"Thank you very much for your introduction to healing. Beryl and I both felt the love you generated in your instruction. When I had finished I felt the warmth in my heart chakra and indeed in my whole body, as did Beryl. It has reinforced our enthusiasm to stay on this path. We love your connection with Mother Earth and the Sun which we intend to include in our daily meditations. Beryl and I feel so invigorated, when we went into the garden and touched our bare feet on Mother Earth as you were transmitting the healing energy, I had the most intense and rich feeling of the colours in each chakra that I have so far experienced. We would both like to continue having healing with you from time to time. Love Light & Blessings" - Beryl & Bob

Mt Shasta

Contact Saranam Mark Greenberg

Or you may email me directly at

I will reply within one day to schedule a time with you. (Sometimes my reply gets filtered to the Junk or Spam folder, so check there.)

Privacy Statement: I do not share your name, email or phone number with anyone.